Photo Upload

If you have multiple photos to submit, please submit this form again (once per photo).
Please ensure that all fields are completed for all submissions.
Photos must be submitted in ".jpg" format. If you have a photo in a different format, please email it to

Your name, email address, phone number & photo owner will be stored in a cookie on your computer, in order to save you time filling them in for each pub and photo that you submit.

Your Details
Your Email address:
Your Phone number:
Pub Details
PubID: HAS/00793 (Edit this pub's data - password required)
Pub Name & Address: Mango, 180 Above Bar Street, Southampton, SO14 7DW
Photo Owner:
(Usually the photographer.)
Date Photo Taken (dd/mm/yyyy):
(Optional, but highly appreciated)
High quality photo:
(Both landscape and portrait accepted, but please note that
Whatpub only displays 4x3 landscape at the moment. Wider
photos are centre cropped to 4x3 landscape, narrower &
portrait photos are top cropped to 4x3 landscape. This
may adversely affect how your photo appears on Whatpub -
see below.)

By clicking submit below, you agree that you either:
(i) Took the photo yourself and grant CAMRA unrestricted rights to use the photo;
(ii) Have written permission from the owner of the photo for you and CAMRA to have unrestricted rights to use the photo.

Picture cropping on display in Whatpub - exaggerated examples:

wider than 4x3
cropping example
cropping example

narrower than 4x3 cropping example becomes cropping example